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Wed Dec 11 2019 21:45:00

A Sign Amazon Is Backlogged with Holiday Orders?

By: Ina Steiner

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Amazon advised sellers who use its FBA fulfillment program to consider holding off on sending it inventory replenishments until January as it focuses on fulfilling customer orders during the holiday shopping period.

Some sellers seized on the announcement as a sign that Amazon was backlogged, but Amazon had warned sellers in October to get their inventory in by December 3rd "for peak year-end sales."

Some said it wasn't anything new, just that this year Amazon was considerate enough to provide a warning to sellers. "I actually appreciate the transparency," said one seller - "They're just looking out for sellers."

But some sellers had a suggestion for Amazon: use the Buy Box to showcase merchant-fulfilled inventory rather than Amazon-fulfilled items if their operations are overwhelmed.

"Dear Amazon programmers, how about sending the merchant fulfilled orders some more if Amazon is so swamped," wrote one seller. "I could easily fulfill 200 orders a day, last week I got 47 orders to fulfill ALL WEEK. Yet the buy box continues to go to FBA that won’t be in stock for a week."

"There is a simple solution Amazon," wrote another seller. "And I have said it on your seller forums the last few days. REPROGRAM YOUR BUY BOX ALGORITHM and let some orders trickle to merchant fulfilled orders. Over a million third party sellers are twiddling their thumbs getting few orders when they could process hundreds of thousands a day. We could get you out of the weeds in 3 days."

Whatever the case, sellers are concerned that Amazon may have difficulties processing inventory sent to fulfillment centers that could lead to delays right into the month of January.

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Perminate Link for A Sign Amazon Is Backlogged with Holiday Orders?   A Sign Amazon Is Backlogged with Holiday Orders?

by: cvsharkey This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 12 07:15:41 2019

Yup, I've got one item ordered on Amazon ordered and the date keeps slipping & slipping....

Perminate Link for A Sign Amazon Is Backlogged with Holiday Orders?   A Sign Amazon Is Backlogged with Holiday Orders?

by: pennyemporium This user has validated their user name.

Thu Dec 12 18:03:18 2019

i, also, have noticed AMZ time frames slipping WAY beyond the typical two day delivery.  about a week ago, the listings showed 2day delivery, even in the cart, and then BOOM, upon checkout, it turned into four day delivery.  (these are amazon warehouse supplied items, not 3rd party shipped items)

today, they aren't even hiding it.... same items that would be 2day are now one week out.  

and... for the first time ever, i can find the same sellers from AMZ on eBay and the shipping times are FASTER and the price points cheaper!

i'm also getting a flurry of random ''super fabulous coupons for AMZ shopping'' that show up to encourage me to buy.... and it's super difficult to find anything worth buying!

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