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Thu May 5 2022 19:17:02

Amazon Bluetooth Listing Requirement Baffles Seller

By: Reader

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Dear Ina,
I have been reading your blog for ages now. There is one issue I need your assistance on. 

I resell car electronics. Amazon now requires sellers to put in FCC ID for products that have bluetooth and wireless.

1) While the products that have bluetooth and wireless in description is known, there are 2-3 that have been closed which we did not know required FCC. How do we know which are such hidden lurking ones? I have about 3000+ items in my catalog.

2) Even for the ones we know, all do not have the FCC ID on the product or the box. At times it says only "compliant with FCC chapter so and so. At times it doesn't say even that. These are name brands and therefore are more likely than not to be FCC compliant. Only don't know where this info can be got. Googling helped in very small number of cases

3) If it's a standard name brand product and a number of sellers are selling and if one of them puts in the FCC ID, is the product good for other sellers who are selling?

Any insights from you or other fellow readers would be appreciated

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Perminate Link for Amazon Bluetooth Listing Requirement Baffles Selle   Amazon Bluetooth Listing Requirement Baffles Selle

by: WalmartClassAction This user has validated their user name.

Fri May 6 12:11:48 2022

I can answer number 3 for you as we do sell on a lot of highly competitive ASINs. Any seller can put the FCC ID on an ASIN and make it compliant, not every individual seller needs to put the FCC ID into the item details.

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