Ina Steiner EcommerceBytes Blog
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by Ina Steiner, Editor of
Tue Jan 11 2022 19:51:13

Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?

By: Ina Steiner

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Amazon will host a panel discussion next week on the topic of marketplace selling policies, but there's no indication it will include behind-the-scenes tips to help sellers navigate the policies - nor is there any indication Amazon will be soliciting seller feedback or concerns about the polices during the online event.

According to the description of the webinar, the panel will give sellers an overview of its selling policies and what they mean for sellers. That sounds like advice for newbies and a refresher for experienced sellers. "Tune in to learn about Account Health and Amazon policies like Intellectual property, restricted products, and counterfeit policies."

Amazon didn't say in its announcement whether it would take questions from sellers during the webinar, or, as one seller reacted, "Since it says panel discussion" can I assume sellers will have the opportunity to voice their opinions and thoughts?"

Amazon appears to be wooing new sellers; it kicked off a new initiative last week called, "Start an ecommerce business in 2022." Each Monday, Amazon posts links on social media sites to tips on starting an ecommerce business.

Amazon is also promoting a program in the UK called Amazon Selling Partner 360 to turbocharge sellers' sales (the program is not new, but it has been taken out of invitation-only mode). The program provides participants with a dedicated marketplace consultant who provides business insights, a monthly business review call, advanced coaching, and who shares knowledge of Amazon programs and features along with the ability to connect participants with other specialized teams.

One of the benefits of Amazon Selling Partner 360 is called "premium selling partner support." So, for example, an FBA seller could ask for help when a customer complains that their FBA order still hasn't arrived, and support will check on its status. Another example of the support participants can expect: FBA sellers can ask for help with stranded inventory to help reinstate it.

But "premium" support implies Amazon sellers have to pay extra to get help with such basic customer service. The Amazon Selling Partner 360 program charges a Base Fixed Fee of £1,440/month plus a Variable Fee (0.3%).

You can watch a video about the program through a link on the program's landing page on Amazon UK.

Let us know if you're seeing educational and customer service programs for sellers and whether they're proving helpful to your business. 

Will you be attending next week's webinar on Amazon seller policies? What questions would you ask Amazon about its seller policies if given the opportunity? 

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Perminate Link for Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?   Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?

by: pace306 This user has validated their user name.

Wed Jan 12 09:07:32 2022

What good is "Start an ecommerce business in 2022“ when they gate most brands/categories?????????

Perminate Link for Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?   Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?

by: TomH This user has validated their user name.

Wed Jan 12 10:28:36 2022

'' when they gate most brands/categories?????????''

Totally agree.  I've sold (or tried too, anyway) on their platform since nearly the beginning. Even Auctions when they played around with that. At the moment I can sell in maybe 25% of the brands/categories that I used to sell in. I stopped and pulled out of FBA when they blocked me in a category I'd sold in since the beginning. Two hundred of an item in their warehouse I had to have returned.

I still sell a little bit there, but hope to laugh at their funeral before I pass on.

Perminate Link for Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?   Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?

by: BurglePork This user has validated their user name.

Fri Jan 14 13:28:44 2022

I think Amazon's (most sites, really) guiding principle is 'the more users know about our policies and procedures, the easier they'll find it to circumvent them.' So as far as they're concerned, the less said, the better, and they'd probably even have the audacity to argue that it benefits users by making it easier for them to remove "bad actors" for a "safer" marketplace! But it's real hard to follow rules when you don't know what they are.  

Perminate Link for Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?   Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?

by: daniellemill This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 3 01:19:52 2022

I got banned too! I wrote to them many times but no result!  

Perminate Link for Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?   Behind the Scenes of Amazon Selling Policies?

by: daniellemill This user has validated their user name.

Thu Feb 3 01:20:53 2022

And they lowered the commission!  

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