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Amazon innovating in fight against fraudulent sellers

Amazon innovating in fight against fraudulent sellersPhoto by

Amazon is making progress when it comes to ensuring product authenticity and removing bad actors from the consumer experience.

The retailer's latest Brand Protection Report highlights progress points such as stopping 2.5 million attempts to create fraudulent selling attacks.

"Our team continues to innovate to stay ahead of bad actors while working in partnership with rights owners, law enforcement and other experts to ensure customers can continue to shop with confidence," stated the retailer in a press release on the report.

In 2021, Amazon invested more than $900 million and had more than 12,000 people — including machine learning scientists, software developers and expert investigators — focused on protecting customers, brands, selling partners and their store from counterfeit, fraud and other forms of abuse.

"Our team continues to innovate to stay ahead of bad actors while working in partnership with rights owners, law enforcement and other experts to ensure customers can continue to shop with confidence," Dharmesh Mehta, Amazon's vice president of selling partner services, said in the release. "While we are proud of the progress we have made, we will not stop until we drive counterfeits to zero in our store."

The company's counterfeit crimes unit filed civil litigation in 2021 against more than 170 counterfeiters in U.S. courts, and identified, seized and appropriately disposed of more than 3 million counterfeit products.


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