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Tue Aug 2 2022 16:50:37

Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar

By: Ina Steiner

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Amazon began collecting higher USPS rates a week before the rates were set to take effect and said it got around to refunding sellers 3 weeks later. The over-charging incident appears to have been a deliberate decision, not a glitch, which would have been a violation of USPS policy.

One seller referred to the incident in a thread on the seller discussion boards as Amazon having gotten "caught in the cookie jar again."

On July 7, an Amazon moderator told sellers it had implemented the rate change early "due to the relative closeness to Prime Day (July 12 - 13)" due to concerns the change could impact sellers ability to use its "Buy Shipping" feature.

But in a letter to sellers on August 2, it referred to the incident as an "error."

Last month, a USPS spokesperson would not comment on the issue, instead referring us to the Amazon PR office for any comment regarding the incident. But when pressed, USPS's representative told us it does not allow online postage providers to implement USPS rate hikes ahead of time.

Sellers reported receiving the following notification from Amazon on August 2nd:

Thank you, for reaching out with concerns regarding increase in the USPS rate occurring ahead of the planned USPS nationwide pricing update.

On July 1, 2022, Amazon started collecting higher rates on two USPS services ahead of the planned USPS launch that was due on July 10, 2022. The two services impacted were Media Mail and Bound Printed Matter shipments.

For more information on the price change, go to the USPS website

If you shipped with these two services from July 1, 2022, through July 10, 2022, your seller account was charged with incorrect shipping fees due to the error. Amazon has issued a lump-sum refund on July 22, 2022, to your seller account to rectify this error.

To find the refund you can generate a Date Range Report:
1. On Seller Central, go to "Reports", and then select "Payments".
2. Select "Date Range Reports", and then click "Generate Report".
3. In the Generate date range report pop-up menu, select report type: Transaction.
4. Select reporting range: Month or Custom, and the specified date information.
5. Click "Generate".
6. Review your report in the list on the Date Range Reports page.
7. Download and open the file in Excel.

The adjustment will be found in the "other" column with the "type" field description equal to "Adjustment."
The Amazon Services team

Note the lack of apology or redress to sellers for the financial impact, and no word on whether the USPS took any action as a result of Amazon's apparent policy violation.

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Perminate Link for Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar   Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar

by: Amberlin This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 3 16:33:22 2022

We all can think of big companies who would prolly do something like this on purpose.
But seriously, what was Amazon thinking?

I personally don't think it was a group effort to try and cheat everybody and hope they didn't get caugh. They most CERTAINLY knew that it would only take not even an hour for sellers EVERYWHERE to start screaming.

Perminate Link for Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar   Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar

by: Snapped This user has validated their user name.

Wed Aug 3 17:48:21 2022

Believing this to be an “error” requires ignoring the fact The Big A provided an ‘excuse’ to EXPLAIN WHY they DID it.  And then also ignoring the fact the excuse itself was ridiculously flawed.  Nobody had any ‘issues’ using their illegally inflated shipping the day after they deliberately flipped the switch KNOWING it was too early, did they?  

And don’t look to the USPS to initiate any prosecution or punitive action either.  Wouldn’t want to jeopardize revenue from that ‘contract’ eh?  

Oops, (not sorry), here’s what we stole back (now that we got caught).  [Meanwhile, maybe they won’t notice the interest we made on the float.]


Perminate Link for Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar   Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar

by: cvsharkey This user has validated their user name.

Thu Aug 4 09:27:13 2022

Amazon has always charged the maximum amount they could for postage. when I was selling used books--I used media rate, Am. postage rates were much higher than the rate paid. (I can remember being charged $3.99 when I was paying $2.89 for the label through Am.) I just thought it was part of their fee, on top of the book cost fee.

Perminate Link for Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar   Amazon Gets Caught with Hand in USPS Cookie Jar

by: shut1968 This user has validated their user name.

Fri Aug 5 02:02:01 2022

Hmmmm.. I wonder how much the collected in interest on the amount they overcharged sellers who purchased shipping through them.... They will always be Scamazon.. nothing is gonna change that.

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